ABB Energy Efficiency Startup Challenge 2022
Winner award: Collaboration project worth $30,000

ABB launched an Energy Efficiency Startup Challenge:

For the full details & application form click here.
1.The Challenge for Electrification Service
Do you have a solution to help people make better decisions, saving energy and lowering emissions, to protecting critical services that we all depend on?
EcoCounter – a tool amplifying the ability for taking the right decision, implementing the change* and mitigating the risk
We have a need today to be able to demonstrate sustainability in a repeatable, reliable, trustworthy & most importantly, quantifiable way to our customers & shareholders.
Awards for the winner:
$30,000 for a collaboration with ABB Electrification to develop an MVP that can be productized and offered to ABB customers
6 month free SynerLeap Special Membership, ABB's startup accelerator, which will boost your growth and visibility across ABB, our partners and customers (Value $10'000)
Exclusive mentoring sessions with Microsoft startup advisors
*You will receive expert support from ABB during the 10 days of competition
For the full details & application form click here.
2. The Challenge for ABB Motion Services
B2B gamification – let’s make energy efficiency fun
Making industrial applications as energy efficient as possible through gamification as a mean to reach sustainability targets.
Main requirements:
Solution shall use elements of gamification to push energy-efficiency-based business models (outcome-based models) in a B2B relation
Solution shall support “assessments during qualification round to play with us”. Assessment of customer and application, e. g. credit risk, predictable assets, energy monitoring system, …
Solution shall support “data sharing as part of the game”. Customer needs to agree to share with us their energy data (bills, prices, runtime), solution shall enable sharing of data in a reliable way (certification?)
Solution shall ensure and maintain “fair play”. Some potential for manipulation of the process by customer to reduce payment as data becomes dependent on selected information sharing
Deliverables (neither inclusive nor exhaustive):
An integrated business concept to accelerate implementation of energy efficiency projects covering specific parts of or even entire customer journey
A platform that scales and leverages on existing ABB tools and capabilities speeding up the energy efficiency journey
A gamified solution making energy efficiency projects attractive and appealing to various stakeholders in the customer organization
Depending on the proposed solutions could be legal aspects, financial solution, sales / eCommerce / Contract and Customer Management platform,…
Awards for the winner:
$30,000 for a collaboration with ABB Electrification to develop an MVP that can be productized and offered to ABB customers
6 month free SynerLeap Special Membership, ABB's startup accelerator, which will boost your growth and visibility across ABB, our partners and customers (Value $10'000)
Exclusive mentoring sessions with Microsoft startup advisors
*You will receive expert support from ABB during the 10 days of competition
For the full details & application click here.